Project Overview

Parents and caretakers of non-verbal children often grapple with the challenge of deciphering their child's, emotions and important messages may go unnoticed or misinterpreted.

Embrace is a smart toy ecosystem designed to help non-speaking and non-verbal children communicate with their caregivers in a natural and joyful way—through play!

The dream team: Dylan Randall-Newberg, Tan Tan Nguyen, Daniel Wong

Design Process:

At a Glance

The first truly human-centered solution for bridging the communication gap between nonverbal children and their caregivers.

Our app helps parents understand their child's emotions in different environments, predict potential meltdowns, and uncover connections between surroundings and feelings.

Our smart toy uses affective computing and learning algorithms to interpret how emotions manifest physically in nonverbal children—and translates these cues into emotional insights for parents.